Saturday, June 29, 2013

0 Photo Manager 2010 Professional-Digital Photos Organizer Software free download full version 2013

Digital Photos Organizer Software Photo Manager 2010 Professional full version free download 

Total Size: 19.5 MB

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Preview, organize, edit, and print your digital photos with Photo Manager 2010. Find images on your computer and remove duplicates. Assign keywords, ratings, and captions to your photos, and then pick the required photo from the database in one second.

Photo Manager 2010 Features:

Browse Folders and Preview Images Photo Manager 2010 displays classic list of thumbnails for images in a folder and lets you explore folders and preview photos located on your compact disks or DVDs, local disks, removable disks or network drives. Preview photos in full screen mode or run a slide show.

Print Photos

Photo Manager 2010 Professional full version
Print your photos one image per page, or multiple images per page with optimal layout, or as a contact sheet. Customize and format page headers and footers as desired. Scan or Import Import images from scanner or digital camera. Edit Images
Adjust levels, exposure, recovery, fill light, blacks, white balance, brightness or contrast, hue and saturation, correct color balance, remove noise, and use editor filters, such as sharpness, edge detection, and even view the Fourier Transform of selected photo. Use Auto Color, Auto Levels, and Auto Contrast adjustments. Save edited photo to a new file in common image formats. Red eye correction.

Keywords, Ratings and Categories

Assign keywords, categories, ratings, and captions to photos in Tags view.
Web Album You can select desired images and save them as HTML album for sharing in the Internet.

Search in Database

Search for images in the database by keywords, ratings and categories in DB Search view. Pick required images in a second and manage the results: preview, edit, print or copy photos.

Search for Images on Local Discs and Network Drives

Search your local disks, CDs or DVDs, network drives for images, and put all images to a special list for your further work.

Search for Duplicates

Photo Manager allows you to search for and manage duplicate images.
Manage Photos.It is easy to manage any images that are shown in any view of the program. You can sort, copy, move, delete image files or entire folders with images.

EXIF Properties Photo Manager displays detailed information about the selected photo, including EXIF properties and camera manufacturer notes (Maker Notes).
RAW format Support With RAW format plug-ins Photo Manager previews photos created in RAW format and can develop and save full size images. See the list of supported RAW formats and cameras.


Photo Manager supports plug-ins. Currently we provide the plug-ins: Canon RAW format Support for PowerShot and EOS cameras; and the Get Photos plug-in for Canon cameras. The RAW formats of Nicon cameras and other manufacturers are also supported. OS : Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Vista, Vista x64, XP, XP x64, and corresponding server versions of Windows
Language : English
download now for free

Installing Notes:

Step 1: unpack rar archive
Step 2: run the setup
Step 3: Copy the crack folder content and paste it to the software installed directory.


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